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Weed & Pest Control

Grub and Pest Control

We know that pests that ruin your lawn and landscaping pose issues for commercial companies. In Michigan, our clients primarily have problems with grubs and moles. To prevent this and protect your lawn, we offer additional services to treat your property with grub and mole prevention treatments, above and below ground.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program

Lawn grubs feed on grass roots, causing segments to die. They are larvae, eventually turning into beetles. The grub cycle can damage your lawn, which is why we offer an extensive IPM program. Using a combination of methods to control garden and lawn pests, we’ll make your property look bright and vibrant.

Weed Control

We know most people can spot weeds a mile away, which is why we are dedicated to ensuring that your business is free from its unsightly growth. Beyond making your landscape unattractive, weeds are incredibly stubborn and do not wither away easily. Trust us to handle the seemingly never-ending battle; we guarantee that your grass will be green, luscious, and in perfect condition.

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Weed and Insect Control Services


Lawn & Landscape Maintenance fertilization weed & pest control commercial
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Commercial Irrigation Maintenance